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Use the Properties pane to modify properties for the selected layout component. You can also use the Insert tab to insert components when this pane is collapsed. Use the Components pane to select layout components and drag them to the design area. Use the Data Source pane to select the data fields to drag to the layout components. The accordion pane on the left contains the following: See Section 3.3.5, 'About the Tabbed Toolbar.' You can collapse this toolbar to make more room to view the design area. The Tabbed toolbar includes the Insert tab, the Page Layout tab, and a dynamic tab that shows the most commonly used actions and commands for the selected layout component.

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See Section 3.3.4, 'About the Static Toolbar.' The Static toolbar is always available and contains common commands such as save and preview.

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The top of the Layout Editor contains two toolbars: The Layout Editor interface comprises the following: Description of 'Figure 3-3 The Layout Editor'

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